Saturday 14 June 2014

The calm before the storm

Today's a big day in the run-up to our trip. We're hosting a garden party for the Newark and District Caledonian Society (NDCS). Their annual summer social is usually in aid of charity, and this year they've chosen to support NPAC. This might have something to do with Dad being the president of NDCS. All week we've been working in the garden and house, planting, weeding, mowing, cleaning, gazeebing (from the verb: to gazebo) and raising flags of all nations.

There will be games including Water into Wine (a sort of wine roulette) and naming the flags of all the countries NPAC sends aid to (I will most definitely not be attempting this one). There will be drums and pipes from RAF Waddington, some facepainting and games for any little ones who show up. Expect humourous photos to follow, but in the interim please accept these photos of our preparation.

Looking from the garden towards the house. The raised bed is usually full of lavender, but we had to move a few due to overzealous puppy activity.

From the raised bed down to my sister's playhouse. You can see some lavender replanting in progress.

The corner of house and garage. This area now thoroughly gazeboed.

A pigeon. Because.

My Dad's world view.

Our utility room, which has now been converted into a haven of... well mostly alcohol. Here you can see an example of Dad's sense of humour. The board on the wall reads "Freezer Jolly Good Fellow".

1 comment:

  1. It was hectic, but great. Thanks to everyone who came to the garden party, the whole family has been working hard in preparation and I think it paid off!

    Bethany, Alex's sister
