Saturday 21 June 2014


We made it! And only four hours late. The flight from Heathrow was delayed so we missed our connecting flight. This also means that we've lost all our luggage, but hey, we made it!

Zambia is a lot more colourful than I thought it would be. From the plane it looked mostly yellow with a few muddy bits, but down on the ground it's full of reds, yellows, browns, greens and purples. The shadows from the setting sun colour the grass and earth with dusty blues, and bright orange and pink flowers sprout from seemingly every shrub. As we were driven away from the airport I spotted a fallen tree which had been overgrown with beautiful lilac flowers. I would have got a photo, but we drove past too quickly. We were being driven by Little Isaac, as he introduced himself, possibly to differentiate himself from Isaac, who has guided NPAC on previous visits. 

We got to our accommodation for the night in Chisamba, and it is beautiful. A 36 hour day will do wonders for your appreciation of a shower! Tomorrow we are going to the clinic at Makeni with David S and Hilary. The rest of the group are splitting up to visit other projects, like the school that David F and Myra's church support, and the childrens' clinic that Esther has laboured on for many years. I'll be sure to give you all an update on NPAC's valuable work, but that's all from me for now folks, I'll look in again as soon as I can.

Here's the lovely group we're with. David F and Myra met us at Chisamba, but they are also lovely, so that's alright.

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