Tuesday 17 June 2014

Post Party Preparations

The party on Saturday was a roaring success. At one point there was an estimated 150 people in our garden, and everyone seemed to have a good time, raising over £500. I say over £500 because we don't have a final figure yet. People keep donating more and more, so we're delighted with everyone's generosity, thank you all!
T-minus 90 minutes until party: I know my last post was calm before the storm, but please stop raining.
In the background here you can see flags of all the nations NPAC visits with aid. Can you guess any of them?

T-minus 60 minutes until party: The power has gone out, the rain is still falling, but my Dad keeps smiling.
Here's the full list of NPAC aid nations, just in case you couldn't work out the flags.

T-minus 30 minutes until party: The wonderful ladies of N&DCS setting up all the delicious food they provided. Also my beautiful baby sister in her green and white dress. Also a greedy mutt.

Off we go! The sun did eventually come out, as did the band!

The brilliantly talented gentlemen of RAF Waddington and Holton provide some suitably Caledonian entertainment. World class pipes and drums folks!

We owe a huge thank you to everyone who helped make this a success; everyone who helped on the day, everyone who donated time/money/food/drinks, and everyone who came along and joined in.

Now we should probably start packing.

EDIT: The final figures are in, and we managed to raise £768! Tremendous gratitude to everyone who has been so generous, thank you all!

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