Friday 20 June 2014


We're in a restaurant at Heathrow waiting for our gate to be called. I tried taking a photo of the whole group but the camera I borrowed from Bethany to replace my camera which was on the fritz, has gone on the fritz. Have some photos of our luggage instead.

We'll let you know how it all goes when we next find wi-fi!

Dad's hand luggage and one hold bag, complete with curious puppy.

The three other hold bags we have booked in. Fortunately most of this is staying out there!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the camera Alex! Just to let you know Crosby found some interesting fertilizer to roll in on his walk today, so I spent my afternoon hosing him down. Also, me and Mum went to see the Handlebards in the evening, and I got my time to shine by pretending to be a spirit! Suffice to say, it was very silly and we both enjoyed ourselves.

    Hope to hear from you again soon!

    Bethany x
